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Faithful members of every age who assist at the Altar during the Eucharist and other services.  Some dress (cassock & cotta) and others don’t…depending on the church involved…but all are devout, know the Liturgy well and seek to enable our worship.  Education is provided for a ministry that is great valued.  Feel called to it?  Speak with Fr Alex.


Our Eucharistic Ministers are licensed by our Bishop to assist in a more intimate way during the celebration of the Eucharist…administering the Chalice at Communion time…occasionally leading a service from the Reserved Sacrament…or bringing the Sacrament to those in hospital or unable, for other reasons, to be with us at the Altar on Sunday.  If you feel called to this ministry, please speak to Fr Alex.  Training is provided.


All three of our congregations welcome people to serve as Readers during Sunday and weekday services.  The clear and strong proclamation of God’s Word is an important ministry.  Education is provided for those who feel this ministry might be for them!  Rota makers are always on the prowl so ask for one of them or speak to Fr Alex.


Leading the congregation in prayer can be a very challenging ministry…the avoidance of preaching or grand standing….or proclaiming announcements during the prayers can be difficult.  But this is a beautiful and rewarding ministry.  Education/assistance is provided so if you feel called to this ministry, speak to an intercessor or Fr Alex.


Greeters are the first line of welcome when someone is brave enough to enter one of our churches.  To be a warm and welcoming presence for that person is a significant ministry indeed!  Feel this might be for you?  Speak to one of the Greeters or ask Fr Alex to introduce you to the rota maker.  More are always welcome and education is provided!


Like our Greeters, a warm and friendly smile and call to service is at the heart of this ministry.  They prepare and offer teas, coffees, other refreshments and treats following services and, occasionally at other events in our churches. For information about what the job entails, please speak to one of our hospitality team or ask Fr Alex.


This is a wee group with representatives from all three of our congregations.  We meet on a regular basis to discuss upcoming events of an outreach nature.  A good opportunity to be creative and brainstorm about ministry here in the Black Isle and beyond!  Speak to Fr Alex if you’d be interested!


This is a very faithful (faith full) and welcoming group.  We started as a Bible study group but quickly began to open up to considering all sorts of subjects as we look for answers together.  We meet  at 10am on Wednesday mornings except when school holidays are on!  Why not plan to drop in…


Children are an important part of the life of St Regulus and we hope that they feel part of the church family. Sunday Club is our time together on various dates throughout the year, where we play games and have lots of different activities, look at God’s word in the Bible and think about what that means for us. Families, children and young people are welcome at St Regulus, so don’t worry if you feel a bit nervous first time – we’ll do all we can to make sure you find friends, settle in and have a great time. To try out Sunday Club just come along or call or email Carsten our Sunday Club organiser (07958550333, to find out more.


A talented and enthusiastic band of (mostly) high school aged young people gather in the Rectory on a regular basis for pizza, chat, fellowship, laughs and usually a film.  Good fun and everyone is welcome!!!  If interested speak to Fr Alex and he will let you know when we will be gathering!


A wee group of men who meet for fellowship and fun conversations (for the most part) at the Fortrose Cafe for breakfast…9:00am on the last Saturday of each month.  All are welcome….and on rare occasions we have even had one or two of the ladies join us.


Our Charity Shop is located in the St Andrew’s Church Hall on Academy Street…right beside the Cathedral ruins.  The shop volunteers carry on a wonderful ministry of friendliness and hospitality to all who visit…even just to say hello.  Proceeds from the shop support local charities as well as our own Black Isle Church funds.  Volunteers are always welcome!


A quiet, prayerful celebration of Holy Communion at 7pm in St Regulus’ Church in Cromarty.  EVERYONE IS WELCOME.


This takes place in St Andrew’s, Fortrose at 10am.  Always followed by coffee/tea, munchies and fun fellowship.  EVERYONE IS WELCOME.


Prayers for healing are included in all services but on the First Thursday of each month prayers are raised during the 10.30am Eucharist in St Andrew’s and the opportunity is offered for those who wish to be anointed for their own health concerns or those of others.


This takes places following the 10.30am Eucharist at St Andrew’s on the Third Thursday of each month…EVERYONE is WELCOME…to the Eucharist and/or to enjoy a post Mass cuppa and some fellowship.

INFO on more groups to come!!!